






马克Cobbold, 肿瘤学 R的副总裁,细胞治疗主管&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐




细胞疗法 在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的生活中起着举足轻重的作用 消灭癌症的雄心 作为死因. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐, we are advancing multiple strategies aimed at improving the precision and effectiveness of cell therapies for 癌症, 将它们的潜在益处扩展到实体肿瘤, 克服与可伸缩性和可访问性相关的挑战.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 goal is to broaden the transformative impact of next-generation T cell therapies to reach more people living with 癌症. 为实现这一目标,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将重点放在三个关键领域:

1.       嵌合抗原受体t细胞疗法
2.       t细胞受体疗法
3.       现成的、为病人准备的细胞疗法

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐渴望站在科学的前沿, and we are building industry-leading capabilities through strategic internal and external investment. This is helping us harness the latest innovations in gene editing and manufacturing, 开启了制造更好的治疗性T细胞的新方法. 


We are in an exciting era where scientists can reprogramme a patient’s own T cells—the immune system’s first line of defence—to create ‘living drugs’ targeting their specific tumour.1 自从第一批此类药物问世以来, 称为CAR-T, 于2017年获批, 这个领域呈指数级增长.2 Today, it is recognised as one of very few modalities capable of curing certain 癌症s.1 Currently, CAR-Ts are used to treat certain blood 癌症s such as lymphoma and multiple myeloma.1,2

然而, there are barriers that prevent the widespread adoption of cell therapies in 癌症 treatment:

1.  对实体瘤的疗效有限

2.  无障碍的问题

3.  与可伸缩性相关的挑战

为了使细胞疗法成为未来癌症治疗方案的支柱, we need to go beyond today's innovations to solve challenges in scalability and accessibility, 并扩大其发展为实体瘤的潜力.



不管细胞疗法有多有效, 如果无法定位,其活动将受到限制, 渗透, 在目标肿瘤中积累并持续存在. It is well established that the hostile solid tumour micro-environment (TME) can hamper the infiltration, 函数, 扩大T细胞疗法.3

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 表盘框架-它代表分布, 渗透, 积累, 和长寿指数的设计就是为了考虑这些因素, maximising the insights gained from preclinical models to comprehensively understand the T cell’s journey, 帮助设计更有效的癌症细胞疗法.4

装甲car - t:装备细胞疗法抵抗免疫抑制性TME

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对…理解的进步 抑制条件下的免疫功能 在基因上操纵T细胞的新方法, so that we can improve their activity and persistence with the goal of providing longer-lasting anti-tumour immunity.5

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 researchers are developing armouring molecules designed to resist immunosuppression and prevent immune exhaustion. Leveraging promising preclinical results achieved by blocking the activity of TGFβ in the TME,6 we are advancing a pipeline of armoured CAR-Ts targeting hard-to-treat solid tumours, 包括胃, 前列腺癌和肝癌, 其中一些是与AbelZeta在中国合作开发的.在某些情况下, these investigational therapies are designed to target antigens that have never been targeted before in human clinical trials.

CAR-T cell therapy: Learn more about how our researchers engineer CAR-Ts to overcome barriers that limit their effectiveness against solid tumours in this video:

超越car -T -T细胞受体靶向

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在car - t方面的努力相辅相成,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐已经扩展到 T细胞受体疗法,通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的收购 新第三纪疗法. 而car - t靶向的是癌细胞表面的抗原, TCR-Ts可以识别细胞内蛋白, 开启细胞疗法的新治疗机会.8 因此,tcr - t有可能成为针对实体肿瘤的新疗法, 并已进入临床试验阶段.


目前肿瘤学的方法主要集中在“自体”car - t, where T cells are isolated from a patient and genetically modified to recognise antigens specific to their 癌症.1,9 尽管这些方法非常有效, 每种产品都是为单个患者制造的, 哪个是复杂和耗时的. 另外, the need for a specialised infrastructure limits the accessibility of these medicines to dedicated treatment centres at specialist hospitals.

提供现成的疗法, 也被称为异体癌细胞疗法, 使用健康供体的细胞而不是患者个体, 能够克服这些挑战.10

There is an urgent need to make 癌症 cell therapies more scalable and accessible. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的愿景是开发一个“现成”疗法库来实现这一目标.

然而,同种异体治疗存在挑战. 其中一个挑战是预防移植物抗宿主病, a life-threatening condition where donor T cells attack the recipient’s non-癌症ous tissue.10 Mismatch between the donor’s cells and recipient patient’s immune system may also lead to rejection, 使治疗无效.10澳门在线赌城娱乐, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在研究设计供体细胞的创新方法, 减轻这些免疫反应,创造有效的新疗法.


Having the right discovery and manufacturing capabilities is pivotal to overcoming the complexities that prevent the widespread adoption of cell therapy in 癌症 treatment.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 growing in-house expertise and capabilities are complemented by strategic investments and collaborations, 包括最近对格雷塞尔生物技术公司的收购, which accelerates our haematology cell therapy ambition and introduces differentiated manufacturing technology.

通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与Cellectis的合作, we are complementing our in-house CRISPR expertise with state-of-the-art TALEN editing technology, creating a gene-editing toolkit with the capacity to edit a broader range of genes with greater precision and sophistication. 这可以使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐制造出更好的治疗性T细胞, 提高肿瘤的靶向性和持久性, 并解决宿主对同种异体疗法的排斥反应.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐欢迎, talented cell therapy scientists to join us on what promises to be one of the most exciting, 21世纪医学的刺激和有益之旅.




1.  张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军. 癌症及其他领域的工程细胞免疫疗法. 中华医学杂志;2009;28(4):678-89.

2.  Saez-Ibañez AR, Upadhaya S, Partridge T, Shah M, Correa D, Campbell J. 癌症细胞治疗的前景:趋势和真实世界的数据. 新药物发现,2022;21(9):631 - 32.

3.  Kankeu Fonkoua LA, Sirpilla O, Sakemura R, Siegler EL, Kenderian SS. CAR T cell therapy and the tumor microenvironment: Current challenges and opportunities. 生物化学学报(英文版);2009;25 (5):693 - 693.

4.   贾尔迪诺·托奇亚ML,穆迪G. DIALing-up the preclinical characterization of gene-modified adoptive cellular immunotherapies. 14 . Front Immunol 2023.

5.    Barry ST, Gabrilovich DI, Sansom OJ, Campbell AD, Morton JP. 肿瘤髓系细胞的靶向治疗. Nat Rev Cancer 2023;

6.    Spender LC, John Ferguson G, Hughes GD等. 中国生物医学工程学报(英文版);2009;31 (2):344 - 344.

7.    Zanvit P, van Dyk D, Fazenbaker C,等. 临床研究杂志2023;133(22).

8.    赵丽,曹玉军. 工程T细胞治疗癌症的临床应用. 10 .免疫学杂志2019.

9.    国家癌症研究所. CAR - T细胞:改造病人的免疫细胞来治疗他们的癌症. 网上: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/research/car-t-cells. 2024年4月发布.

10.   古川,夏野,夏岚,等. Advances in Allogeneic Cancer Cell Therapy and Future Perspectives on “Off-the-Shelf” T Cell Therapy Using iPSC Technology and Gene Editing. 细胞. 2022;11(2).

Veeva ID: Z4-62222