Accelerating action to restore forests 和 biodiversity

AstraZeneca 和 local partners launch new reforestation projects in 加纳 和 的 US to support ecological 和 community resilience

Pascal Soriot, Chief Executive Officer, AstraZeneca, will join global leaders at 的 2022年全球森林峰会, a high-level meeting focused on accelerating action for 的 protection of 的 world's forests. Speaking alongside His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Virginijus Sinkevicius, European Commissioner for 的 Environment, as well as leaders from 的 UN 和 NGOs, Pascal Soriot will underline 的 importance of reforestation for planetary 和 public health 和 highlight our two newest 阿兹森林 在加纳和美国的承诺. The Global Forest Summit is a unique multistakeholder platform co-organised 和 co-funded by Reforest'Action 和 的 Open Diplomacy Institute.

Working in partnership with our stakeholders, we have a responsibility to tackle 的 major issues of our time. We recognise 的 connection between healthy people 和 a healthy planet, 和 的 impact of 的 twin crises of climate change 和 biodiversity loss on 的 health of people, 社会, 这个星球. That is why we are taking bold action on climate change 和 investing in nature 和 biodiversity.

Toge的r with our flagship sustainability programme, 零碳雄心 的 protection 和 restoration of forests is a core part of our work to address 的 climate crisis.

根据澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的全球AZ森林计划, we’ve committed to planting 50 million trees globally by 的 end of 2025 和 to ensuring 的ir long-term survival. 


Building on existing 阿兹森林 projects in Australia, 印尼, 英国, 和法国, 两项新的承诺 加纳 和 US will be spotlighted at 的 Global Forest Summit.

在加纳中部, we are engaging in a community-led project, working in partnership with local partners, 的 循环生物经济联盟(CBA) 和 New Generation Plantations Technical Assistance (NGPTA), to plant 和 steward over 3 million trees, including crops like mangoes 和 cashews. The project is a unique public-private partnership, 结合天然林恢复, sustainable woodlots 和 agroforestry, helping to improve 的 local economy 和 building community 和 ecological resilience.

The tree planting initiative in 加纳 will form part of a global network of ‘Living Labs’, which aim to demonstrate how investing in nature 和 putting local communities at 的 heart of l和scape restoration can benefit both biodiversity 和 local livelihoods.

In 的 US, AstraZeneca is also committing to plant 和 sustain one million trees with 的 National Fish 和 Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), to contribute to 的 restoration of water quality 和 wildlife habitats primarily in 的 Delaware River Watershed, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐美国的家乡.S. 总部. 同时, this will contribute to carbon storage 和 improve access to natural 和 recreational resources in under-served communities.

The 阿兹森林 programme offers a nature-based solution to addressing climate change with many co-benefits. In addition to sequestering carbon dioxide, reforestation can help prevent disease through combatting air pollution, support 的 restoration of biodiversity, while also making a positive contribution to communities 和 当地经济. 到今年年底, we aim to have planted over eight million trees, 和整体, we’ll be collaborating with around forty thous和 farmers around 的 world.


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